The amazing fact that He calls us His children is incredibly humbling. This God who's love surpasses all understanding, who's power is beyond compare, and who's grace is deeper than imaginable is our Father! What an honor! What a blessing to know that we are not of this fallen world because we are His! If that doesn't put a smile on your face, I don't know what could. It's overwhelming to think of all of who He is and be able to say you've witnessed His miracles, you've felt His joy, and you've experienced His joy!
"I've been living like an orphan, trying to belong in this world."
"There are no orphans of God."
"I once was fatherless wandering with no hope."
We have comfort because we have an amazing Father who will never leave us nor forsake us. My prayer is that we live up to our name, "Children of God"!
Just a few of the Children of God who display his love in incredible ways of joyful compassion.